1. Organized National Conference on Material Synthesis For
Device Level Applications on 29-30 Jan 2015.
2. UGC sanctioned Rs. 2.5 lakh Minor Research Research Project
(MRP) on “Study Of Molecular Interactions In Bio-
polymers And Nano-Fluids Through Acoustic And Other
Spectroscopic Techniques”
3. UGC-BSR sanctioned projects for UG students (Grant Rs. 6000
per student) 6000 per student)
-Year 2014-15 : 06 Students
-Year 2015-16 : 06 Students
4. Department has successfully conducted five year cycle of
M.Sc. Physics Instrumentation during year 2007-08 to 2011-12
5. University Rankers from department
First Ranker – Miss. Barbole Kirti (2015-16)
Third Ranker - Miss. Shabanam Shaikh(2008-09)
2011-12 M.Sc.Physics Instrumentation during year 2007-08 to 2011-12
6. Avishkar 2014-15 University level First Prize.
7. We celebrated Digital India Week, in which students
participated in Power point presentation.
8. Poster Presentation and Power point presentation in Science
Congress held on 5th Feb, 2016.
Device Level Applications on 29-30 Jan 2015.
2. UGC sanctioned Rs. 2.5 lakh Minor Research Research Project
(MRP) on “Study Of Molecular Interactions In Bio-
polymers And Nano-Fluids Through Acoustic And Other
Spectroscopic Techniques”
3. UGC-BSR sanctioned projects for UG students (Grant Rs. 6000
per student) 6000 per student)
-Year 2014-15 : 06 Students
-Year 2015-16 : 06 Students
4. Department has successfully conducted five year cycle of
M.Sc. Physics Instrumentation during year 2007-08 to 2011-12
5. University Rankers from department
First Ranker – Miss. Barbole Kirti (2015-16)
Third Ranker - Miss. Shabanam Shaikh(2008-09)
2011-12 M.Sc.Physics Instrumentation during year 2007-08 to 2011-12
6. Avishkar 2014-15 University level First Prize.
7. We celebrated Digital India Week, in which students
participated in Power point presentation.
8. Poster Presentation and Power point presentation in Science
Congress held on 5th Feb, 2016.
Future Plan
- To arrange International seminar/ conference.
- To submit minor/major research project to UGC
- To set new Experiments
- To Arrange the Guest Lectures