F.Y. (sem I) Paper – I
Course Code – PHY-101
Outcome of Mechanics,Properties of Matter
and Sound
CO1: Study about
Mechanics using Newton’s laws of gravitation.
CO2: Introduction of Elasticity
and stuidy of elastic materials.
CO3: Understanding
Viscocity and Surface tension of liquids.
CO4: Study ultasonic
sound and its applications and Acoustics.
B.Sc. F.Y. (sem I) Paper – II
Course Code – PHY-102
Course Outcome of
and Thermodynamics
CO1: Introduce about
Thermal Conductivity of different materials.
CO2: Learn about Real
gases and Transport Phenomena.
CO3: Understand
Thermodynamics and thermodynamical processes.
CO4: Introduction to
entropy and Thermodynamical relations.
B.Sc. F.Y. (sem II) Paper – IV
Course Code – PHY-104
Course Outcome of Geometrical And Physical Optics
CO1: Review about
Geometrical Optics and optical instruments.
CO2: Study Interference
phenomena of light and defferent experiments.
CO3: Concept of diffraction
of light and its types.
CO4: Polarization of
light and its applications.
B.Sc. F.Y. (sem II) Paper – V
Course Code – PHY-105
Course Outcome of Electricity and Magnetism
CO1: Need
of Vector Algebra in electricity and magnetism.
CO2: Study Electrostatics and related
CO3: Introduction of
Magnetostatics and related laws and applications.
CO4: Concept of Transient
curren and study of LCR.
Three theory
periods per paper per week per semester
Three practical periods per paper per week per
B.Sc. S.Y. (sem III) Paper –
Course Code – PHY-201
Course Outcome of Mathematical,
Statistical Physics and Relativity.
CO1: Study about Differential
and Ordinary differential equation.
CO2: Introduction of Statistical
basis and Classical statistics, and distribution laws.
CO3: Understanding of
Quantum Statistics and concept of Fermi Gas..
CO4: Theory of
Relativity, relativistic trnsformations and equations.
B.Sc. S.Y. (sem III) Paper –
Course Code – PHY-202
Course Outcome of Modern And Nuclear Physics
CO1: Introduce about Photoelectric Effect and
its applications.
CO2: Learn about
X-Rays, Bragg’s law, X-ray spectrum and its applications.
CO3: Understand Nuclear
Forces and Nuclear Models.
CO4: Types of Particle
accelerators and Detectors.\
B.Sc. S.Y. (sem IV) Paper – XI
Course Code – PHY-205
Course Outcome
of General Electronics
CO1: Review
Semiconductor, it types and uses.
CO2: Study transistor
biasing, its types, Amplifiers and its applications.
CO3: Concept of
Oscillator and Multivibrator and their types.
CO4: Introduce about
Modulations, its types and demodulation.
B.Sc. S.Y. (sem IV) Paper – XII
Course Code – PHY-206
Outcome of Solid State Physics
CO1: Introduction
to crystal structure,crystal lattices, unit cell and types.
CO2: Understand bonding and Band theory
of solids.
CO3: Study Thermal
Properties of solids.
CO4: Overview of Free
electron theory of metals and transport properties.
Three theory
periods per paper per week per semester
Six practical
periods per paper per week per semester
B.Sc. T.Y. (sem V) Paper – XV
Course Code – PHY-301
Outcome of Classical and Quantum Mechanics
CO1: Study about
Classical Mechanics and Physics behind any object in day today life.
CO2: Introduction of
Quantum Mechanics and Plank’s Quantum Theory.
CO3: Understanding of
dual nature of particle and matter waves.
CO4: Derive Schrondiger
Equation and its applications.
Program – B.Sc. T.Y. (sem V)
Paper – XVI
Course Code – PHY-302
Course Outcome of Electrodynamics
CO1: Introduce about Electrostatics
and Electrodynamics.
CO2: Learn about time
varrieg field and its related equations.
CO3: Understand nature
and parameters of electromagnetic waves.
CO4: Interaction of
Electromagnetic waves with matter.
Program – B.Sc. T.Y. (sem VI)
Paper – XIX
Course Code – PHY-305
Course Outcome of Atomic and
Molecular Physics and Laser.
CO1: Review atomic
structure and different atomic models.
CO2: Introduce Vector
Atom Model, and its Applications.
CO3: Concept of
molecular spectroscopy and different types of molecular spectra.
CO4: Introduce Laser,
its types and applications.
Program – B.Sc. T.Y. (sem VI)
Paper – XX
Course Code – PHY-306
Course Outcome of Non-conventional
energy sources and Optical fiber.
CO1: Need of Non-conventional energy sources and its
types and uses.
CO2: Study Solar energy and solar
photovotaic system.
CO3: Introduction and
Classification of Optical fiber.
CO4: Overview of fiber
cables and different fiber fabrication techniques.
Three theory
periods per paper per week per semester
Six practical
periods per paper per week per semester