Welcome to Ramkrishna Paramhansa College,Osmanabad

Course Outcome(CO)

    B.Sc. F.Y. (sem I)   Paper – I
      Course Code – PHY-101
     Course Outcome of  Mechanics,Properties of Matter and Sound
CO1: Study about Mechanics using Newton’s laws of gravitation.
CO2: Introduction of Elasticity and stuidy of elastic materials.
CO3: Understanding Viscocity and Surface tension of liquids.
CO4: Study ultasonic sound and its applications and Acoustics.

B.Sc. F.Y. (sem I)   Paper – II
      Course Code – PHY-102
       Course Outcome of  Heat and Thermodynamics
CO1: Introduce about Thermal Conductivity of different materials.
CO2: Learn about Real gases and Transport Phenomena.
CO3: Understand Thermodynamics and thermodynamical processes.
CO4: Introduction to entropy and Thermodynamical relations.

B.Sc. F.Y. (sem II)   Paper – IV
      Course Code – PHY-104
      Course Outcome of  Geometrical And Physical Optics
CO1: Review about Geometrical Optics and optical instruments.
CO2: Study Interference phenomena of light and defferent experiments.
CO3: Concept of diffraction of light and its types.
CO4: Polarization of light and its applications.

B.Sc. F.Y. (sem II)   Paper – V
      Course Code – PHY-105
      Course Outcome of  Electricity and Magnetism
      CO1: Need of Vector Algebra in electricity and magnetism.
CO2: Study Electrostatics and related laws.
CO3: Introduction of Magnetostatics and related laws and applications.
CO4: Concept of Transient curren and study of LCR.

·       Three  theory periods per paper per week per semester
·         Three practical periods per paper per week per semester

B.Sc. S.Y. (sem III)   Paper – VII
Course Code – PHY-201
Course Outcome of  Mathematical, Statistical Physics and Relativity.
CO1: Study about Differential and Ordinary differential equation.
CO2: Introduction of Statistical basis and Classical statistics, and distribution laws.
CO3: Understanding of Quantum Statistics and concept of Fermi Gas..
CO4: Theory of Relativity, relativistic trnsformations and equations.

B.Sc. S.Y. (sem III)   Paper – VIII
Course Code – PHY-202
Course Outcome of  Modern And Nuclear Physics
       CO1: Introduce about Photoelectric Effect and its applications.
CO2: Learn about X-Rays, Bragg’s law, X-ray spectrum and its applications.
CO3: Understand Nuclear Forces and Nuclear Models.
CO4: Types of Particle accelerators and Detectors.\

B.Sc. S.Y. (sem IV)   Paper – XI
      Course Code – PHY-205
      Course Outcome of  General Electronics
CO1: Review Semiconductor, it types and uses.
CO2: Study transistor biasing, its types, Amplifiers and its applications.
CO3: Concept of Oscillator and Multivibrator and their types.
CO4: Introduce about Modulations, its types and demodulation.

B.Sc. S.Y. (sem IV)   Paper – XII
      Course Code – PHY-206
     Course Outcome of  Solid State Physics
     CO1: Introduction to crystal structure,crystal lattices, unit cell and types.
CO2: Understand bonding and Band theory of solids.
CO3: Study Thermal Properties of solids.
CO4: Overview of Free electron theory of metals and transport properties.
·       Three  theory periods per paper per week per semester
·         Six  practical periods per paper per week per semester

B.Sc. T.Y. (sem V)   Paper – XV
Course Code – PHY-301
Course Outcome of  Classical and Quantum Mechanics
CO1: Study about Classical Mechanics and Physics behind any object in day today life.
CO2: Introduction of Quantum Mechanics and Plank’s Quantum Theory.
CO3: Understanding of dual nature of particle and matter waves.
CO4: Derive Schrondiger Equation and its applications.

Program – B.Sc. T.Y. (sem V)   Paper – XVI
Course Code – PHY-302
Course Outcome of  Electrodynamics
CO1: Introduce about Electrostatics and Electrodynamics.
CO2: Learn about time varrieg field and its related equations.
CO3: Understand nature and parameters of electromagnetic waves.
CO4: Interaction of Electromagnetic waves with matter.

Program – B.Sc. T.Y. (sem VI)   Paper – XIX
Course Code – PHY-305
Course Outcome of  Atomic and Molecular Physics and Laser.
CO1: Review atomic structure and different atomic models.
CO2: Introduce Vector Atom Model, and its Applications.
CO3: Concept of molecular spectroscopy and different types of molecular spectra.
CO4: Introduce Laser, its types and applications.

Program – B.Sc. T.Y. (sem VI)   Paper – XX
Course Code – PHY-306
Course Outcome of  Non-conventional energy sources and Optical fiber.
CO1: Need of Non-conventional energy sources and its types and uses.
CO2: Study Solar energy and solar photovotaic system.
CO3: Introduction and Classification of Optical fiber.
CO4: Overview of fiber cables and different fiber fabrication techniques.
·       Three  theory periods per paper per week per semester

·         Six  practical periods per paper per week per semester